RADAR/SONAR non-target echo detection
(too old to reply)
2008-03-29 19:22:24 UTC
I am a grad student in CS doing underwater networking design. I was
designing what I thought was a novel algorithm for detecting self
reflecting echoes to tones sent by our modem as wakeup calls to the

As it so often happens I was recently reminded by someone that an
obvious predecessor to my work would be radar/sonar which identify
targets based on echoes sent (in active measures). The one thing I
want to do differently is not to identify targets, but the static echo
locations from surfaces. Now I understand that in order to identify
the target, something must be done in radar processing to IGNORE these
surface reflections. My quick read on radar/sonar on wikipedia didnt
show how these non-target based echoes are differentiated from your
moving targets.

I understand that work on sonar also has simply ranging information
where ALL surfaces can be displayed based on their receive times, but
I want to do something different: i.e. I want to identify only those
echoes that occur repeatedly at the *same* time due to static
surfaces. Can some one please tell me what algorithms are used for
this purpose.

Thank you.

2008-04-19 15:35:37 UTC
Post by Affan
I am a grad student in CS doing underwater networking design. I was
designing what I thought was a novel algorithm for detecting self
reflecting echoes to tones sent by our modem as wakeup calls to the
As it so often happens I was recently reminded by someone that an
obvious predecessor to my work would be radar/sonar which identify
targets based on echoes sent (in active measures). The one thing I
want to do differently is not to identify targets, but the static echo
locations from surfaces. Now I understand that in order to identify
the target, something must be done in radar processing to IGNORE these
surface reflections. My quick read on radar/sonar on wikipedia didnt
show how these non-target based echoes are differentiated from your
moving targets.
I understand that work on sonar also has simply ranging information
where ALL surfaces can be displayed based on their receive times, but
I want to do something different: i.e. I want to identify only those
echoes that occur repeatedly at the *same* time due to static
surfaces. Can some one please tell me what algorithms are used for
this purpose.
Backgound Subtraction Techniques
... including Doppler filtering.

Hope this helps.

Greg Heath
2008-04-24 03:53:17 UTC
Post by gheath01
Post by Affan
I am a grad student in CS doing underwater networking design. I was
designing what I thought was a novel algorithm for detecting self
reflecting echoes to tones sent by our modem as wakeup calls to the
As it so often happens I was recently reminded by someone that an
obvious predecessor to my work would be radar/sonar which identify
targets based on echoes sent (in active measures). The one thing I
want to do differently is not to identify targets, but the static echo
locations from surfaces. Now I understand that in order to identify
the target, something must be done in radar processing to IGNORE these
surface reflections. My quick read on radar/sonar on wikipedia didnt
show how these non-target based echoes are differentiated from your
moving targets.
I understand that work on sonar also has simply ranging information
where ALL surfaces can be displayed based on their receive times, but
I want to do something different: i.e. I want to identify only those
echoes that occur repeatedly at the *same* time due to static
surfaces. Can some one please tell me what algorithms are used for
this purpose.
Backgound Subtraction Techniques
... including Doppler filtering.
Hope this helps.
Greg Heath
Thank you, I will look this up
