The AMI SAR operates in a programmed way, i.e. do not necessary work
continously, but according a mission plan established by ESA.
Apart that, if you have to design something, it would be better to use the
more recent ENVISAT instead of ERS-2, I believe doing a passive SAR with a
non-cooperating transmitter would be a real technical nightmare, mainly
for synchronisation... not to mention processing.
It's an option I do not recommend.
Post by mustafa umut saracDear Renato Croci , Thank you for your kind message.
I want to learn that do ers 2 always send microwave to earthsurface or
does it send signal when it receives a order from ground station ?
And I want to build a passive sar with the help of this satellite
because it passes Anatolia and it has a sar.
Where can I find the necessary receiver schematic and parts ?
Can anyone share his her knowledge ?
Best ,
Mustafa Umut Sarac